For having heart condition


Our health may need special attention in some fields. It may be our heart that asks us to consult with cardiologist, to be aware of our heart’s condition, to check the heartbeat throughout the day, to take some actions if it is too high. Of course each person still needs to do exercises, to train one’s body. People having heart condition should train their body with due caution, which suggests tracking their heart rate during workouts.

Sometimes being aware of one’s every day heart rate and making every effort to normalize it may be very important investment.

Unfortunately, not everybody is aware of it and according to a recent oldmanresearch (Norway) for every 10-beat rise in resting heart rate, the risk of dying from a heart attack rose by 18 percent in women and by 10 percent in men.

Your heart is one. It is worth Your attention.

How to determine Your heart rate zones

Different ways may lead to the same place. Similarly You can determine Your heart rate zones differently.

Firstly You can count Your maximum heart rate. Just subtract Your age from 220. For example if You are 50, Your maximum heart rate is 220 – 50 = 170 beats per minute.

There is the table presented by American Heart Association

Age Target HR Zone 50-85% Average Maximum Heart Rate, 100%
20 years 100-170 beats per minute 200 beats per minute
30 years 95-162 beats per minute 190 beats per minute
35 years 93-157 beats per minute 185 beats per minute
40 years 90-153 beats per minute 180 beats per minute
45 years 88-149 beats per minute 175 beats per minute
50 years 85-145 beats per minute 170 beats per minute
55 years 83-140 beats per minute 165 beats per minute
60 years 80-136 beats per minute 160 beats per minute
65 years 78-132 beats per minute 155 beats per minute
70 years 75-128 beats per minute 150 beats per minute

Secondly You may check Your maximum heart rate by the following test. It is quite exhausting. If You are not sure about Your health condition, please consult it with Your doctor.

You should be rested and recovered. Please spend 15 minutes warming up. During the first third of this time Your training should be very light. The next two thirds should be more intensive, but the effort should still be moderate. Then for about two minutes or less make maximum physical efforts You can. You should try to reach the limit of Your exercise tolerance (being careful of course). During these time of maximum efforts You should measure Your heart rate. Then add five points to the maximum received number. This is Your maximum heart rate, which is needed to define Your target heart rate. The latter depends on the aim You pursue during Your workouts.

There are two main types of workouts for people not being a professional sportsmen: aerobic (cardio) and weight control (fat burn) trainings.

Aerobic (cardio) trainings (70-80% of maximum heart rate) improve person’s endurance, strengthen respiratory and cardiovascular system, develop one’s muscles.

Weight control (fat burn) training should be at 65-70% of Your maximum heart rate and starts after 20-40 minutes of Your training. During it Your body metabolizes fat as a fuel source. The best way to lose one’s weight is to train in this heart rate zone.

In order to define the heart rate for aerobic (cardio) training You should multiply Your maximum heart rate received in the first or second way (above) by 0.7 or 0.8. More information can be found there.

To find out which is Your heart rate during weight control (fat burn) training please multiply Your maximum heart rate by 0.65 or 0.69. More information can be found there.

In the beginning You should avoid anaerobic (hardcore) training zone (80-90% of Your maximum heart rate), since your body removes lactic acid slower than produces it and You may feel pain in Your muscles some time after training.

If You train in Your target heart rate zone for a period of time You become familiar with the effort You should take in order to be in this zone.

As You can see, checking Your heart rate during Your trainings is really beneficial.

Heart rate zones can be also easily checked in MiHR app downloaded from:

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More information at:


Mi Band smart alarm on iPhone (MiBand 1s)

how to wake up feeling good


Using sleep patterns smart alarm can be beneficial for You.

So how it works.

The best time to wake up.

When You are in a light sleep, waking up is rather easy and comfortable. It is the best stage to leave the bed and start being active. How to do it? How to know at which stage of sleep cycle You are and how to use this information to be cheerful and fresh in the morning?

The answer is tracking Your heart rate with the MiHR app and MiBand 1s and letting smart alarm to wake You up when You wish and when You are in a light sleep.

In other words the MiHR app will measure Your heart rate 30 minutes before the set alarm. It will wake You up when Your heart rate indicates that Your sleep is light. If You do not have light sleep during that time, MiHR app will wake You up at the time You have chosen.

Therefore You just:

  • buy MiBand 1s, download MiHR app:


  • set the time You need to wake up and
  • sleep being sure the MiHR will help You to awake in the most appropriate moment.

Smart alarm

MiBand 2: будет ли он считать пульс правильно?

EDIT: Отличная новость относительно измерения высокого пульса с помощью приложения Mi Heart Rate на Mi Band 2: теперь оно меряет без проблем. Пожалуйста, проверьте и сообщите мне о результатах в комментариях ниже!

Приложение Mi Heart Rate теперь поддерживает MiBand 2.

Команда волонтеров бета-тестеров говорит, что Mi Heart Rate хорошо работает с MiBand 2. Вдруг один из них, Радек Х., открыл, что независимо от того, сколько он бежал или прыгал, Mi HR считывал с MiBand 2 показания не выше 110 ударов в минуту. На основании своего опыта, он твердил, что тренировка была достаточно интенсивная (средний пульс должен был быть в среднем около 141 ударов в минуту). „Это явная ошибка в измерении” – подытожил бета-тестер.

Это заключение было подтверждено измерением пульса во время тренировки другого бегуна. Результаты работы приложения Mi HR на MiBand 2 были сравнены с результатами, полученными Mi HR на MiBand 1s. Ниже приведенные результаты ясно показывают, что утверждение бета-тестера верно:

Результаты Mi HR на MiBand 2
Результаты Mi HR на MiBand 2
Результаты Mi HR на Mi Band 1s
Результаты Mi HR на Mi Band 1s

Встал вопрос, вызвано ли это неправильным алгоритмом приложения и, следовательно, может и должно быть исправлено или проблема заключается в самом MiBand 2 и браслет нельзя использовать для проверки пульса во время занятий спортом.

Команды разработчиков и бета-тестеров приложения Mi HR стараются найти на него ответ и будут Вас информировать о том, удалось ли это совершить.

Вы можете присоединиться к бета-тестированию Mi HR на MiBand 2. Для этого напишите нам на адрес:

Дайте также знать, встретились ли Вы с подобной проблемой на MiBand 2.

Мы верим, что вместе мы можем это исправить!

MiBand 2: will it show correct heart rate data?

EDIT: Great news regarding high heart rate measuring by Mi Heart Rate app on Mi Band 2: now it works without problems. Please check it and let me know about the results in the comments below!

We have added support for Mi Band 2 in our Mi Heart Rate app.

The team of volunteer beta testers helped to found out that Mi HR app works with MiBand 2 well. Suddenly one of them, Radek H., explored that no matter how much he run or jumped the monitor shown no higher numbers than 110 bpm. Using his training experience he believed that the training was intensive (about 141 bpm average). “That is definitely wrong measuring – conclude the beta-tester”.

This conclusion was confirmed by the measurement during other runner’s workout. The results of Mi HR’s work on MiBand 2 were compared to the results gained in Mi HR app on Mi Band 1s. The attached results clearly show that beta tester’s suggestion is right:

Mi HR results on MiBand 2
Mi HR results on MiBand 2
Mi HR results on Mi Band 1s
Mi HR results on Mi Band 1s

The question arose if it is caused by wrong app’s algorithm and consequently could and should be corrected or the problem is in MiBand 2 itself and it is impossible to use it for checking Your heart rate during doing sports. The question still needs answer.

Mi HR support team looks for it and will inform You about any progress.

If You are interested to join testing Mi HR app on MiBand 2, please drop us a line at:

Please, let us know, whether You experienced the same problems with MiBand 2.

Download the app and help us with the fix!


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